Maria Aliotti Ford


Maria Aliotti-Ford's interest in art began in the late 50s when, as a small child, she spent her after-school hours at Paolinas, her family's Italian restaurant in the Carmel Craft Studios. The cafe was surrounded by jewelers, potters, and painters who often took time to teach the mischievous young girl something of their crafts - even if only to keep her out of their way.

Two men in particular, Abel G. Warshawsky, an early California painter, and a watercolorist, Fred Klepich, recognized and nourished Maria's creative talents. From those fertile beginnings, Maria continued to develop her painting and drawing ability.

After high school, she entered the Academy of Art College in San Francisco and studied formally. Returning to Carmel, she began studying with Nancy Johnson, a watercolorist.

Then began a period of living in Europe and Africa where she focused on her favorite periods: the Italian Renaissance and French Impressionists Painters. Figure drawing and watercolor became her mediums of choice; the first because of its natural power at expressing human emotion and drama; the other for its spontaneous qualities of color.

Marriage, a restaurant (yes, the same one her parents started), and a son led Maria to focus her creativity in other areas for the next period in her career. The roles of wife, chef, and mother enriched her perspective and gave her a new framework from which to paint.

Now, her relationship with form and light and color continues, but this time through the medium of oil painting. "I am fascinated by the richness that oil can capture," Maria says, "and I love the challenge of painting outdoors."



Maria Aliotti Ford





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